1   # frozen_string_literal: true
 3   # Personal profile
 4   class SimonTharby < Engineer::WebDeveloper
 5     def initialize
 6       super
 7       @name 'Simon Tharby'
 8       @email 'simontharby@gmail.com'
 9       @linkedin 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/simontharby/'
10       @github 'https://github.com/jinjagit'
11       @current_role 'Back-end Engineer'
12       @current_employer {
13         name: 'CitizenLab',
14         url: 'https://www.citizenlab.co/'
15       }
16     end
18     def bio
19       "I like to make things that work well.\n\
20       "\n\
21       'I have a good understanding of web applications, ' \
22       "with a focus on the back-end.\n\
23       'Always keen to learn new languages, frameworks, ' \
24       'and ways of doing things, ' \
25       'I believe that such learning should be ' \
26       'a continuous and rewarding process.' \
27     end
29     def key_competencies
30       {
31         languages: %w[ruby javascript elixir rust python],
32         frameworks: %w[rails phoenix],
33         other: %w[sql css html git docker]
34       }
35     end
37     def spoken_languages
38       [
39         { language: 'English'level: 'native' },
40         { language: 'Portuguese'level: 'advanced' }
41       ]
42     end
43   end
44   |